Fiber laser 150X300

Fiber Laser Machine 150X300 offers a powerful cutting and engraving system, cutting through materials at high speed via laser beams. It has a maximum power of 3000 Watt and bears limited weight. It is compatible with steel, aluminum, brass, stainless steel without back reflections. With high-speed and excellent performance, Fiber Laser Machines are an important aspect in every business.


Benefits of a Laser Marking Machine:
  • High operational efficiency
  • Fast installation
  • Compliance with industry regulations
  • High productivity with compact structure
  • Less waste and high processing speed
  • Fewer faults
  • Energy saving
  • Low power consumption
Laser marking can be used in the following fields:
  • Ferforge & wrought iron
  • Forging
  • Metal constructions
  • Metal furniture
  • Publicity and advertisement
  • General contracting
  • Feeding and supplement industries
Different Applications:
  1. Logos
  2. Words and dates
  3. Series number
  4. Batch number
  5. Drawings and signs
  6. QR codes
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